
NWPA Job Connect currently has seven Standing Committees to assist in guiding the Board’s efforts.

Executive Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Act on behalf of the full Workforce Development Board, when necessary, due to timing, with ratification by the full board at the next full Workforce Development Board meeting; to delegate to the board’s committees and review findings and recommendations by the committees.

Travis Crytzer, Chair

Brad Tisdale, Vice Chair

Jim Decker, Treasurer

Juanice Vega, Secretary

Bobbie Jones

Business Solutions Committee

Responsibility/Authority: To identify and address common skill gaps, education and credential needs, and workforce requirements in high priority occupations within targeted industry sectors. Committee identifies those industry-specific workforce issues and needs that must be addressed to sustain a robust economy in the Northwest WDA by working with education and economic development to develop an action plan.

Jim Decker, Chair

Larry Fannie

Grainne Blanchette

Doug Smith

Shane Kline

Hope Lineman

Communications Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Develop regional outreach and communication plan.

Travis Crytzer, Chair

Will Price

Hope Lineman

Sean Lyons

Fiscal/Monitoring Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Ensure system accountability and transparency through fiscal oversight, audit, and program system monitoring, including performance measures, metrics that matter, and certification of the one-stop centers. Oversight of Equal Opportunity activities.

Brad Tisdale, Chair

Jack Hewitt

Will Price

Kirk Shimshock

Wayne Brosius

Governance Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Ensure compliance to WDB Bylaws and other governing documents from USDOL and the PA Department of Labor & Industry. This includes the review and updating of policies. Further, the committee is responsible with overseeing the nominations process of the WDB, including recommendations for appointments, removals, and nominations of members and partners.

Bobbie Jones, Chair

Kirk Shimshock

Kathryn Schaaf

Grainne Blanchette

TJ Sandell

Workforce Solutions Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Continuously review and improve the one-stop and mobile system to eliminate barriers that inhibit job seekers from attaining the education/training needed to be employable at family sustaining wages.

Kathryn Schaaf, Chair

Bobbie Jones

Brad Tisdale

Larry Fannie

Jim Decker

TJ Sandell

Jessica Hansford

Amanda Hetrick

Hope Lineman

Doug Smith

Youth Committee

Responsibility/Authority: Supports/advises the WDB in the establishment and delivery of youth services; promotes career pathways and tangible opportunities for youth.

Jack Hewitt, Chair

Archie Graham

Shane Kline

Jill Foys

Jessica Hansford

Amanda Hetrick

Amy Herman

Anne Conti

Deb Anderson

Gary Weber

Jennifer Pontzer

Kat Thompson

Kay Koyack

Kevin Sprong

Matthew LaVerde

Philip Askins

+many area youth partners

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