WDB Overview

The Workforce Development Board is a membership consortium made up of business executives, community leaders, and elected officials appointed by the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs).


This organization acts as both the planner for the region on areas of workforce development and the Board of Directors for the local workforce investment area. The main duties of the NWPA WDB are outlined in the agreement of work between the WDB and the CLEOs. The WDB operates under Robert’s Rules of Order.


To focus on strategic planning, policy development, oversight of the workforce system, and establishment of the priorities for employers and job seekers.

Functions of the WDB Board under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act:

  • Local Plan
  • Workforce Research and Regional Labor Market Analysis
  • Convening, Brokering, Leveraging
  • Employer Engagement
  • Career Pathways Development
  • Proven and Promising Practices
  • Technology
  • Program Oversight
  • Negotiation of Local Performance Accountability Measures
  • Selection of Operators and Providers
  • Coordination with Education Providers
  • Budget and Administration
  • Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities


To connect people with jobs through collaborative workforce development efforts and strong partnerships with the economic development, business, education, and government sectors in the Northwest Pennsylvania region.


Northwest Pennsylvania will have a skilled workforce that is responsive to the current and future needs of the region.

Board Orientation

Roles and Responsibilities




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