High Priority Occupations
High Priority Occupations (HPOs) are one component of Pennsylvania’s industry-driven approach to workforce development.

Purpose and Benefits
The purpose of the HPO lists is to align workforce training and education investments with occupations that are in demand by employers, have higher skill needs and are most likely to provide family sustaining wages. Combining statistical data with regional expert input allow for a complete picture of the actual workforce needs of the commonwealth. HPOs are job categories that are in demand by employers, have evolving skill needs, and are likely to provide family-sustaining wages. They are occupations that generally require some amount of training but no more than a four-year college degree.
High Priority Occupations Information
Information on How to Submit HPO Petitions (This is the state’s webpage dedicated to HPO Lists and Petitions. Please review this information carefully while preparing your petition.)
Current HPO Methodology (April 2024) (Sample documentation included.)
Current HPO Petition Form (April 2024)
HPO List Illustrated PY20/21 (Updated March 2, 2021) (This has not yet been updated for the new HPO List posted August 1, 2021.)
PA IDOL PY23/24 (In-Demand Occupations List, August 1, 2023)